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Getting matches

Initial setup

You won't get matches unless:

  • Your profile is visible (check the Settings tab)
  • You have books in your library (check the Books tab)

The Basic setup page in these docs can help you set those up if you haven't done them yet.

Using the Readers screen

The 'Readers' tab lists people, and book clubs, that are near you and have similar reading.

It will take about a minute once you set up your profile for candidate readers to appear. Also, if you're one of the first people to use Klerb in your city, there may not be many matches yet. Don't worry! Hang tight, check back in a few days, and wait for a push message.

The Readers screen looks like this:

Screenshot of Readers screen with a single match

A few things to notice here:

  • The other person's name (in this case 'hi'), photo (a blue circle for this testing user), and their distance
  • Information about the match on the right: in this case, which subject caused the match, and books from each of your libraries for the subject
  • Tap their name or avatar to pull up more information about the user, including (very soon) the ability to browse their books
  • ✔️ and ❌ buttons (check and X). The check button accepts the match.
    • If this person has already accepted you, you'll immediately get a match popup
    • Otherwise, if they accept you in the future, you'll get a push message

Don't worry if there are no potential matches yet -- it will get busier as more people join. And don't be afraid to say hi; having a book in common is the ultimate conversation starter.

If the pickings are slim in your area, you can also invite a real-life friend to Klerb and start a book club on the app.

💬 Interacting with your matches

When you match with someone, or match into a book club, they'll be available on your 'Matches' tab.

screenshot of matches screen

Things to know about this screen:

  • Some matches are individual 1:1 matches, and others are book clubs
  • Those red notification dots 🔴 indicate matches that have unread chat messages. Click into the chat to clear the dot. (You'll also get push notifications)
  • Tap the chat icon to enter the chat
  • Tap the avatar to see information about the person or club

Remember the goal of Klerb is to enjoy yourself and enrich your reading, not to feel uncomfortable. If something bad, or unwelcome, happens on the app, don't hesitate to email support. It is literally what we're here for.

If you choose to meet someone for coffee or lunch, before you meet up, make sure to review the Tinder safety tips. Klerb isn't a dating app, but is similar enough that the same precautions apply. If you already know this stuff, click anyway. If you're too savvy to get scammed or hurt, please click anyway.